Thru Jim's Eyes

It’s Ironman season again. The warning signs to “Watch for Athletes Training” are everywhere.  The first cyclist in their cyclist uniform became visible over the last 2 weeks. I say cyclist...

I love the Japanese. We are sitting outside Cafe Kona De Pele coffee cafe. As I relax looking out to the water of Kona Bay peacefully moving up and down, with...

There is a very simple formula for success… If you stay focused on this simple 4 Step Formula you can’t go wrong. #1     Define your dreams. #2     Break down your dreams...

I was doing some reflecting back to a past New Years… 1/1/10 You may notice the date I put is not the date I am posting. I do this because my...

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, Everyone was lazy, lazy as a mouse (gorged on cheese). The ghost of the Boo rustled in his tent, Presents bought,...

This is a most special time of year. There’s a chill in the air. The scents of cinnamon, nutmeg, and peppermint waft passed us as we walk through the shops. There...

  Life is good. Gosh, life is amazing. Right now I am relaxing in a round, well cushioned chair looking out passed the palm trees to the ocean while listening to...

It’s autumn again and I am excited. I love watching the leaves on the deciduous trees change through the spectrum that defines autumn.  The air is cool and the colors are...

I am an alien. I am a transplant. I am a haole. I could live here a hundred years and the most I will ever be is a “Resident of Hawaii.”...

I am often asked why I moved to Hawaii. My response has usually been, “Because of everything which is Hawaii.” As I sit here I look across the golf course, through...

Leise and I stuck around the booth a bit that week and the following and learned more about the coffee.  John had sold coffee for 2 years working with a friend...

I recently was recounting my introduction to Hawaiian coffee and I felt compelled to share it. I was truly excited when I got invited on an exclusive tour of White Mountain...

I love to see my iPad display read no service. As cell phones first came into existence we had to deal with the first generation of “mobile” phones. The term cellular...

I stare at the blank screen. The blank screen which represents so many future journal writings and blog entries. The countless stories representing so many peoples lives and experiences.  My writings...

Hawaii is an amazing place of opposing happenings. This culture is living and breathing and dying all at the same time. My new friend, Uncle Junior, has been fishing since he...